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Camps / *** Summer Pole Rental and Cam...
Last post by Steve - May 20, 2017, 04:25:18 AM
Are you running a Summer Pole Vault Camp?

Flight Deck is here to help you

Let us help you beef up your inventory.  We offer reduced summer rental rates and can help you provide every pole athletes attending your camp may need.  No need to get stuck on athlete development because you don't have the right poles.  Contact if you want more information.  Here is our available Pole Inventory--the summer rental prices are not listed.

Equipment for Drills:
Let us help you with the equipment you need to conduct needed drills.  Contact if you want more information.  Here are the links to equipment we can provide:
--Training Poles
--Skid Boxes
--Invert Box
--Bungee Jumper

Let us know if there are other things you would like to have access to--we will do our best to get you what you need.

Coaching Opportunities / Re: Pole Vault Coach Opening-H...
Last post by coachp - March 09, 2017, 03:29:22 AM
This position has been filled.
Coaching Opportunities / Re: High Jump Coach-Holy Famil...
Last post by coachp - March 09, 2017, 03:28:51 AM
This position has been filled.
Coaching Opportunities / High Jump Coach-Holy Family Ca...
Last post by coachp - February 10, 2017, 07:56:55 PM
Looking for a High Jump Coach for the 2017 season.  Starting in March 2017.  The position and time commitment is negotiable.

Contact Ian Parzyck
Head T&F Coach
Holy Family Catholic H.S.
Victoria, MN

Coaching Opportunities / Pole Vault Coach Opening-Holy ...
Last post by coachp - February 08, 2017, 09:13:36 PM
Located in Victoria, MN.

Starts March 2017.
The position and time commitment is negotiable.
Contact Ian Parzyck, Head Track & Field Coach
Resources For Coaches & Athletes / Video--How to start a Pole Vau...
Last post by Steve - February 05, 2017, 03:32:26 AM
Thank you to all the coaches at the Wisconsin Coaches clinic

Some of you asked for is a link to the coaching video my wife created
It has the method (0-2-4-6-8) that we use and shows the underwater progressions we use

Camps / Indoor Vaulting 2016-17 at the...
Last post by Steve - October 09, 2016, 02:52:27 AM

Flight Deck Athletics INDOOR Pole Vault Camps
--22nd Year of camps--
--UofM Indoor Fieldhouse--
(Directions to the UofM Indoor Fieldhouse)
Enter through the North West Entrance

Flight Deck Camp Details:
8 athletes maximum per session
4:1 athlete to coach ratio, or better, ensured
All Poles included
The most experienced group of coaches in the State

The Flight Deck Difference:
-vaulters do not have to set up or take down the pits each day
-we actually do provide ALL the poles
-our staff of exceptional coaches work together seamlessly to ensure that the vaulter's individual needs are always met.
-we never over-crowd the camp with too many vaulters on the runway

The Link to Enroll

Meets / Wednesday Night Flights 2016--...
Last post by Steve - June 29, 2016, 12:56:26 PM
Two more weeks!!!
Weather permitting, we are a GO for meets 8/10/16 and 8/17/16

Wednesday Night Flights at Armstrong
What:Full Service Pole Vault Competitions
Where:Armstrong High School
When: Wednesdays June 29th through July 27th August 17th
--The pit opens at 3:30pm, for warm-ups
--The pit closes no later than 8pm, mosquito's are too thick after that
--All meets are pending the weather--A final call on bad weather will be made no later than 3pm meet day and posted here

What do you have to do?:
1) Check the weather and decide if it looks good enough to jump
2) Check this Post to make sure the meet has not been canceled--please don't call, the meet is a GO unless we post it here that it is cancelled
3) bring $15 cash (entry fee)
4) bring your own water, food, sunscreen, bug-spray, etc.
5) bring your own poles if you want

What is provided: is a full service meet
1) You may use our full line of poles
--you agree to purchase any poles you damage
2) We will have paid workers running the meet, placing crossbars, and adjusting standards
3) Any crossbar breakage is also covered by the entry fee

--the pit will open at 3:30pm for warm-ups
--initial bars start at 4:15pm
--all-Alive will be in effect; multiple heights will be active at any one time
--each vaulter gets a single 4th attempt (Mulligan)

Heat-2 (for late arrivals)
--warm-ups begin at the conclusion of Heat-1
--warm-ups will be 2 min per person or 20min (which ever is greater)
--all-Alive will be in effect; multiple heights will be active at any one time
--each vaulter gets a single 4th attempt (Mulligan)

Other features
1) Coaches are welcome, with or without athletes
2) Coaches are welcome to coach their athletes and use the Flight Deck poles

One more thing:
We usually go out for pizza afterward--all are welcome
Camps / Re: ===2016 Summer Pole Vault ...
Last post by Steve - April 29, 2016, 03:16:24 PM
Resources For Coaches & Athletes / Re: Resource 1 for Coaches--Po...
Last post by Steve - April 29, 2016, 03:15:55 PM